For Poets

The quiet scritch of nub to page
Willing words to flow from pen
To enlighten minds or to engage
The subtle heart to open
Wages poor but riches deep
All these words we must not keep
But fling skyward in hurried flight
To give these feelings power and light

We write not what we want but need
Each kernel of soul, an egg, a seed
Watered in tears in anxious hours
Kind words encourage each to flower

Heed not the pain of doubt and fear
The willing hand gives help when near
And open hearts reveal for each to see
these lowly words become inspired poetry

8 thoughts on “For Poets

  1. writing those seeds and kernels of soul onto a page…one of the most rewarding things i can think of…smiles… hope you had a great evening out with hubs

  2. I think you are right that we write not what we want but what we need. Each poem one writes is a reflection, whether or not we really know. I think oftentimes the poet doesn’t know, but perhaps the reader sees.

  3. It takes a lot of faith to flower those words ~ I specially like this part:

    All these words we must not keep
    But fling skyward in hurried flight
    To give these feelings power and light

    Enjoy the night, smiles ~

  4. i love the word skritch…ha…nice opening with the sound…and so true, we write what we need…that kernel of soul…smiles…and in the hands of the poet…poems are born…

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