one mississippi

Photo by Johannes Plenio on
lightning strikes
I count
one mississippi, two mississippi
and wait for the thunder
to shatter against my chest

ozone prickles my hair
raising goose bumps
giving me shivers
as the graveyard is bisected
by flashes and sheets of rain

its not the end of stories-
scents rise from roses
in the storms aftermath
skies brighten
stars are revealed

against the dark sky,
a rainbow

small things

A Song of Ascents

small things
hard to get attention
mostly fine to just be
without fanfare or acclaim

tiny birds rising through cold December air
faint cursive letters forming words rising from the page
small courtesies rising from warm hands
and hearts

a smile, a nod, quiet prayers of thanksgiving
rising to meet strangers and angels among us

hope rising from heart to heart, hope ascends

First Sunday of Advent 2023 HOPE

Photo by Pixabay on
"The Indo-European root of the word “hope” is the same root from which the word “curve” (to bend) comes from. Therefore, the root of the word “hope” gives us the connotation of a change in direction; going in a different way.

The Hebrew and Greek equivalent of our English word “hope” has the meaning of a strong and confident expectation."
-From Hope International
just around the bend
a vista of such beauty

many rocky paths climbed
in darkest nights

to find a place and time
much sought after

I have confidence
I will see it again

in your trembling hands

October evening 2

oh! how full of love
is the world-
our minds sometimes won’t let it just be
quiet and rested
in that knowledge.

But oh yes! that love-
even in the disquiet of our times
even in the anger and hate
and disloyalty, even
in the sadness and grief-
be sure
that that Love is there.

and if you can be very still
for just a moment
you can sense it
and hold it in your trembling hands.

hold it, even tear soaked and weak,
hold it there in
your trembling hands.

Solstice Candle

The solstice candle holds its flickering flame
feeble against the gloom of the long night.
Moon, cold and dark in the night sky,
clotting the stars in a blot of emptiness.
Moonless and humble, the candle still burns
reflecting its light in hope, incandescent,
withstanding even the deepest cold
and sparking the helpless soul,
undone at the final turn
of the one true axis.
All hearts turn
to the returning light,
second by second, death is overcome
and resurrection is upon us, rising
lighthearted in the new day and grace filled joy
of spring’s eternal desire and grave emptying flame.