cherry tree

Photo by Khari Hayden on
The tree is gone, cut down and stacked in the wood pile.
Ungainly and unwanted, except for those few hours of glorious flower
though not enough to be wanted, cherished, valued.

It is gone and now...
A feeling of space, room to breathe. An expanse only dreamed of.
Now fully formed into...

From subtraction, addition.

A place to hold dreams, to breathe, to know

with loss comes new vistas
external insight
internal wisdom

pollen season

early morning breeze separates seed from chaff
as the last of our trees begin to bud

black walnut, of course, always late to the party
they'll flower, form fruit, and our pollen season is over

at least until summers weeds begin their harvesting
along ditch banks and fence rows, casting their lots to the wind

And soon the month of May with all her posies and sunny days
She is pink cheeked and breathless as she runs across the meadow

summer picking up speed


An early Spring morning on the cove a long time ago. Sky, pale pink, reflected by the still water.
sky breaks open 
a shell pink morning
waking birdsong and church bells
lawn mowers and sirens
all reaching up into the blue blue
heavens of cloud and wing
rejoice, O Living
see the sky and wind
rejoice and be glad, O breathing Beings
this is the day
rejoice and be glad