First Sunday of Advent 2023 HOPE

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"The Indo-European root of the word “hope” is the same root from which the word “curve” (to bend) comes from. Therefore, the root of the word “hope” gives us the connotation of a change in direction; going in a different way.

The Hebrew and Greek equivalent of our English word “hope” has the meaning of a strong and confident expectation."
-From Hope International
just around the bend
a vista of such beauty

many rocky paths climbed
in darkest nights

to find a place and time
much sought after

I have confidence
I will see it again

5 thoughts on “First Sunday of Advent 2023 HOPE

  1. It is fascinating that hope and curve come from the same root. A quote from “An Essay on Man” by Alexander Pope in 1732:

    “Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
    Man never Is, but always To be blest.
    The soul, uneasy, and confin’d from home,
    Rests and expatiates in a life to come.”

    Suggests that in living a life of hope we seldom get there, and yet I believe that nothing ever was except it was first hoped for, then dreamed and then created. My life to come has arrived and I am loving every day of it.

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